![]() | "GENESYS - A generic architecture for embedded control systems"Hermann Kopetz Vienna University of Technology |
Recognizing the strategic importance of embedded computing and control systems for industry and society, the European Commission formed, together with industry, academia, and national governments, the European technology platform ARTEMIS (Advanced Research and Technology for EMbedded Intelligence and Systems) in 2004. It is one goal of ARTEMIS to develop a cross-domain embedded system architecture, supported by design methods and tools, to significantly improve the functionality, dependability, and cost-effectiveness of embedded systems. The GENESYS (GENeric Embedded SYStems) project, carried out by a consortium of twenty industrial and academic partners coming from different embedded system domains, developed a blueprint for such an architecture that should be applicable in the control-system domain as well as in the multimedia domain. This blueprint (GENESYS) has been strongly influenced by the concepts of and the experience with the time-triggered architecture.
It is the objective of this contribution to give an overview of the cross-domain architecture GENESYS.
Hermann Kopetz received his PhD in physics "sub auspiciis praesidentis" from the University of Vienna, Austria in 1968. After eight years in Industry he accepted in 1978 an appointment as a Professor for Computer Process Control at the Technical University of West-Berlin, moving to the Technical University of Vienna in 1992.
From 1990 to 1992 Kopetz was chairman of the IEEE Technical Committee on Fault-Tolerant Computing and from 1996 to 1998 Chairman of the IFIP WG 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault-Tolerance. Kopetz is a full member of the Austrian Academy of Science and is since 2008 a member of the Information Society Advisory Group (ISTAG), advising the European Commission in Brussels in the domain of Information Technology. In 1998 Dr. Kopetz was one of the three founding members of the spinoff company TTTech (http://www.tttech.com). Kopetz is the chief architect of the Time-Triggered Architecture for dependable Embedded Systems. He has published a widely used textbook on Real-Time Systems, more than 150 papers and more than twenty patents on the topic of dependable embedded systems. Kopetz is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and received the IEEE Computer Society 2003 Technical Achievement Award with the citation: For outstanding contributions to the field of safety-critical real-time computing. In June 2007 he received the honorary degree of Dr. honoris causa from the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, France.